App-V Part 1-App-V Server環境需求

App-V Part 1-App-V Server環境需求

在App-V的使用環境可以在網域下或是非網域,但是在非網域環境下許多動作就必須透過PowerShell指令設定和佈署,如果在網域環境就可以透過GPO或是網域帳號作控管;不同App-V角色所需要的環境先決條件和設定都不同,安裝App-V本身不需要花費太多時間,反而是需要花費許多時間去安裝調整所需要的環境條件,尤其是Server平台,在安裝App-V Server前請先確認以下安裝環境和表格中的軟體需求。


App-V 5.0 SP3 Server不支援的安裝情境:

1. 無法佈署App-V Server在Server Core環境
2. 無法佈署在已經有安裝App-V 5.0 SP2的環境
3. 不支援SQL Server Express edition
4.不支援和domain controller安裝在同一個平台

App-V 5.0 SP3 Server支援的作業系統:

Operating systemService PackSystem architecture
Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R264-bit
Microsoft Windows Server 201264-bit
Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2SP164-bit


App-V 5.0 SP3 支援的SQL Server版本:

SQL Server versionService packSystem architecture
Microsoft SQL Server 201432-bit or 64-bit
Microsoft SQL Server 2012SP232-bit or 64-bit
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2SP332-bit or 64-bit


App-V 5.0 SP3 Server的軟體需求和設定:

Prerequisites and required settingsDetails
Supported version of SQL ServerFor supported versions, see App-V 5.0 SP3 Supported Configurations.
Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.1 (Web Installer)
Windows PowerShell 3.0Installing PowerShell 3.0 requires a restart.
Download and install KB2533623Applies to Windows 7 only.
Visual C++ Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio 2013
64-bit ASP.NET registration
Windows Server Web Server RoleThis role must be added to a server operating system that is supported for the Management server.
Web Server (IIS) Management ToolsClick IIS Management Scripts and Tools.
Web Server Role ServicesCommon HTTP Features:

  • Static Content

  • Default Document

Application Development:


  • .NET Extensibility

  • ISAPI Extensions

  • ISAPI Filters


  • Windows Authentication

  • Request Filtering

Management Tools:

  • IIS Management Console

Default installation location%PROGRAMFILES%\Microsoft Application Virtualization Server
Location of the Management databaseSQL Server database name, SQL Server database instance name, and database name.
Management console and Management database permissionsA user or group that can access the Management console and database after the deployment is complete. Only these users or groups will have access to the Management console and database unless additional administrators are added by using the Management console.
Management service website nameName for the Management console website.
Management service port bindingUnique port number for the Management service. This port cannot be used by another process on the computer.
Microsoft Silverlight 5The Management console is available only if Silverlight is installed.


  1. […] App-V Part 1-App-V Server環境需求 App-V Part 2-安裝 SQL Server 2014 App-V Part 3-安裝 IIS 角色 […]




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